“…Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you…” 1 Chronicles 28:20
Who I Am

I am a Christian.
I am a writer.
I have a master’s degree in writing from Illinois State University. For more than two decades, I was a college writing professor. What I loved best about teaching was working with my students individually and in small groups.
I’ve done freelance writing, editing, and social media consulting for around ten years.
In 2013, I began my Christian marriage blog, The Forgiven Wife.
I serve on the Core Team of the Christian Marriage Bloggers Association. One of my responsibilities is to develop the newsletter content.
Why LifeSpring Writing?
Throughout my life, I have found the most meaning in the times I’ve helped others. It is what God has called me to do; my writing has allowed me to respond to this call in unexpected and fulfilling ways.
I’ve informally helped other Christian writers with their blogs and e-books, providing encouragement, guidance, and editing services.
Helping other Christian writers shine their light brings together my faith, my education, my long-time professional work, and my God-given desire to help others.
Now I’d like to help you.
LifeSpring Writing is here to help you move forward in your writing.