How can we use our writing or speaking to accomplish His purposes and draw our readers and listeners closer to Him?

Plenty of blogs and podcasts may have a mission statement–but when you’re a Christian communicator, that mission statement is truly a mission. What has God called us to do? How can we use our writing or speaking to accomplish His purposes and draw our readers and listeners closer to Him?

We do our work at the intersection of communicating and ministry.

Bringing new readers to our blogs or listeners to our podcasts isn’t just about increased traffic or more downloads, it is also about more people who need what God has to offer through us. We may wonder if it’s okay to monetize our work. Sure, there are actual expenses to podcasting and blogging, but we wonder if a ministry should be free. Or others tell us we shouldn’t be monetizing. How much of our writing should incorporate scripture? How much should we talk about the Bible in our podcasts? How should we connect with bloggers and podcasters who have different theological approaches or who have very different views on issues that matter to us?

This section of the site will offer articles that will help you figure out what it means to be a communicator who is called by God. Some articles will be more about blogging, some will be more podcast-oriented, and others will be more about ministry.

From Christian Podcast Summit, June 15, 2019
How can we use our writing or speaking to accomplish His purposes and draw our readers and listeners closer to Him?